Thursday 29 December 2011

Improves English

As someone who speaks very fluent English and even teaches on occasions I have developed a few strategies that are ideal for getting a better grasp on the English language without even really trying. Most students don’t enjoy reading masses and masses of textbooks on the subject but they do enjoy other areas of reading and that is what I try to incorporate into my teachings…
Tip #1
Read, read and read. It doesn’t have to be anything boring, just read about what you’re interested in. If you like soccer, then read about soccer. If you like music, then read about music. If you like poetry, then read a few poems.
Even if you just do this for ten minutes a day whilst you enjoy your morning coffee you will notice a vast improvement. Reading anything that is professionally written in English will allow you to have a much greater understanding of the language and best of all – you will hardly even notice your learning!
Tip #2
Write, write and write. It is all very well and good being able to speak the language but if you can’t write as well as you speak then you’re not advancing enough as you should be.
It will be difficult at first to write anything fluently but again, practice makes perfect. By the time you have written several letters, articles, poems (whatever it is that you enjoy) you will start to get a real feel for the language that will obviously help develop your written English but also your speaking too.
Tip #3
Speak, speak and speak. Don’t just sit in silence trying to improve your English. Start discussing subjects you enjoy with others who are trying to accomplish the same goal or even better speak to an English person if you are confident enough. If you feel you confident enough to do this it will help massively.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, people won’t mind and you will learn from these mistakes.
Bonus Tip
READ the dictionary. You should take this with you everywhere so that every time you hear a word that you don’t understand you can quickly see what it means in your dictionary. Chances are, if you look it up you won’t forget it and you may start to understand similar words without having to check.

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